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"Mastering the Mind for Fasting"

Param Pujya Acharyadev Srimad Vijay Hansratna Surisvarji Maharaja emphasizes the importance of mental strength and discipline in successfully completing fasts. In the early stages of his spiritual journey, he too experienced cravings for various foods. However, as time passed and his practice of fasting deepened, these cravings faded away. He highlights that in one's spiritual life, it is crucial to mentally prepare oneself for the rigors of fasting. A strong mind allows an individual to overcome physical weaknesses and ignore distractions, whereas a weak mind will perceive temptations even when they are not present. Through determination and self-control, one can truly harness the power of fasting and elevate their spiritual practice.


Param Pujya Acharyadev Srimad Vijay Hansratna Surisvarji Maharaja explains how the human body adapts during fasting, utilizing stored materials such as fats, blood, and water to sustain itself. He emphasizes that our bodies are capable of obtaining necessary resources from the environment when we abstain from food. He also points out that fasting has not caused people to be hospitalized, but rather it is often the food they consume that leads to health issues. By adopting a simple, natural diet and embracing fasting, individuals can experience a heightened sense of vitality and a deeper connection to their own bodies. Through disciplined fasting, one can purify the body, clearing away impurities and allowing for a greater appreciation of life's simple pleasures.

The Body's Adaptability and the Power of Fasting


"Control the mind with Dharma, achieve peace through meditation."

- Param Pujya Acharyadev Srimad Vijay Hansratna Surisvarji Maharaja

Training the Body: Hunger, Sleep, and Adaptation

Param Pujya Acharyadev Srimad Vijay Hansratna Surisvarji Maharaja discusses how our bodies adapt to different patterns of eating and sleeping. He explains that the frequency of hunger and the need for sleep are both conditioned by our habits. The more we eat or sleep, the more our body demands it. As such, through mindful practice, one can train their body to require less food and sleep. He also highlights the correlation between sleep and hunger, demonstrating that excess in one area leads to an increase in the other. Through consistent fasting and discipline, the body can adjust to new routines and maintain its functions. In his own experience, Param Pujya Acharyadev has found that with regular practice, the body remains strong and resilient, even during long periods of fasting.


Param Pujya Acharyadev Srimad Vijay Hansratna Surisvarji Maharaja emphasizes that the core message of every religion is to live and let live. He highlights the importance of allowing others to live peacefully, even in our absence, and to make sacrifices for the greater good. Currently, excessive consumption of resources and luxury-driven lifestyles are causing harm to the global environment. If this continues, future generations may face a scarcity of essential resources like water and clean air. The teachings of Jain Dharma encourage conservation and limited usage of resources. By adopting a saint-like approach to life and considering the environment, we can protect the earth and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

Live and Let Live: A Universal Message for Sustainability


"Control your mind, and your body adapts; self-mastery shapes our lives."

- Param Pujya Acharyadev Srimad Vijay Hansratna Surisvarji Maharaja

Our Body: The Sacred Temple and Its Needs

Param Pujya Acharyadev Srimad Vijay Hansratna Surisvarji Maharaja reminds us that our bodies are like sacred temples, deserving of care and respect. From our mother's nurturing in the womb to the wholesome nourishment she provides, our bodies have been carefully nurtured to remain pure. He emphasizes that it is crucial to listen to our bodies and not merely the hunger pangs of the mind. Overeating and consuming a variety of unhealthy foods can be likened to treating our bodies like a dustbin. Instead, we should aim to nourish ourselves with simple, natural foods that provide energy and promote overall health. By adopting a lighter diet, our systems remain clear, our minds stay happy, and we can live a healthier life, free from dependence on medications and hospital visits. The true hunger we experience is a product of the mind, not the body.


Param Pujya Acharyadev Srimad Vijay Hansratna Surisvarji Maharaja emphasizes the importance of consistent practice in one's spiritual journey. People may sometimes believe that they cannot undertake spiritual practices like fasting or memorizing Gathas due to their Antaraya Karma. However, the key lies in trying and practicing regularly. As one continues to put in effort and dedication, their body and mind will adapt to the practice, allowing for spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of Dharma.

Persistence in Practice: The Key to Spiritual Growth


"Train your mind, body, and soul to follow your Dharma; dedication and practice transform your life."

- Param Pujya Acharyadev Srimad Vijay Hansratna Surisvarji Maharaja

Spread Happiness Through Generosity and Simplicity

Param Pujya Acharyadev Srimad Vijay Hansratna Surisvarji Maharaja highlights the importance of living a simple and generous life. God has bestowed upon us many blessings, and it is our duty to share these resources with those in need. By helping others and engaging in Jivdaya, one can experience true happiness and mental peace. Leading a modest life and limiting expenses in areas such as weddings, hotels, and restaurants allows us to be more generous towards others. In doing so, we not only contribute to the happiness of others, but also find deeper fulfillment and joy in our own lives.

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