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Sadharmik Bhakti

Help us help others - Sadharmik Bhakti for spiritual progress and material well-being


What is Sadharmik Bhakti?

Sadharmik Bhakti is an integral part of Jain tradition and is one of the five duties of a spiritual seeker during Paryushan. It is the act of helping fellow members of the Jain community who are in need, not just by donations of money, food, or medicine, but by facilitating their spiritual progress towards liberation from the cycle of birth and rebirth. The term "Sadharmik" refers to those souls who share the same understanding and are actively striving through the practice of dharma for the same goal of moksha, while "Bhakti" means devotion or worship of virtues embodied in the object of their devotion.

The Concept of Dharma

The Jina taught that the path to eternal bliss is to first understand the true nature or "dharma" of objects, individuals, and events. To cultivate undeterred faith in this understanding or world-view (darshan), and then to separate between the soul and non-soul, in order to establish in one's true nature. A "Dharmik" is one who seeks dharma and pursues to understand it to experience the true nature of the soul. Sadharmik Bhakti is therefore an act of worshipping or being devoted to fellow Jains who share the same worldview and are actively striving for the same goal of liberation from the cycle of birth and rebirth.


The Synergy of Jain Ideology

The joining of the word "Bhakti" to "Sadharmik" is distinctive to Jain darshan and embodies a perfect synergy of Jain ideology. Jains recognize all living beings as possessing the same eternal perfect soul as theirs, and are aware that the souls that are like them, bound in the Samsar, can manifest their full potential of eternal bliss by shedding off their karmas. Jainas offer "Bhakti" to their "Sadharmiks" in recognition of the virtues they demonstrate by living the Jain way of life. This Bhakti is simply any and all support that can facilitate a Sadharmik's spiritual progress so that they may attain their goal of moksha.

Importance of Sadharmik Bhakti

Sadharmik Bhakti is an important duty of every Jain follower, as it upholds the interconnectedness of humanity and makes it our dharma as householders to be "nimits" or facilitators of each other's journey. The universal Jain motto "Parasparopagraho Jīvānām" means "Souls render service to one another," and highlights the importance of helping fellow Jains in their spiritual progress. Sadharmik Bhakti is not just about charity or service, but it is about sharing in another's joy and sorrow, easing their path towards spiritual liberation, and enabling them to focus on the soul's true nature, rather than worrying about worldly afflictions.


Examples of Sadharmik Bhakti

Sadharmik Bhakti is exemplified by numerous historical figures, such as Emperor Vipulvahan, Punjya shravak, and Shrimad Rajchandra. These examples showcase the selfless and compassionate nature of Sadharmik Bhakti and the duty of helping each other in our spiritual progress. By following in the footsteps of these noble examples, we can all fulfill our duty of Sadharmik Bhakti and contribute towards the upliftment of our community.

© 2021 by Divya Tapasvi. Created and conceptualised by MarketinCrew

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